
District Hamilton

Operational Date Mon, Tue, Wed, Sun

Programme Overview

Moving towards Wellness. BEGIN TAIJI4 Wellness-Potential energy is systematically awakened within you through tai chi.

Learn to move, adapt, and love change. The further off you are from yourself, the more ill and diseased you are. Eddie has over 40 years experience in the soft martial arts in Hamilton and opened the first tai chi class in Hamilton. He is keen and passionate about tai chi and its potential future.

Come start a class now. Become a better version of yourself Within strength; there is weakness”; and similarly “Within weakness, there is strength."

==>Create more space for your true spirit to come in
==> Be grounded and present in your physical body
==> See and sense energy in the material world
==> Heal your relationship with your body
==> Improve your relationships with other people
==> Clear other people’s energy from your body
==> Raise the vibration of your body
==> Break habits and patterns from this life
==> Have healthy boundaries with people
==> Bring more of your spirit into your daily life
==> Live a happier, more fulfilling life

Monday 11am-12pm and 7-8.30pm
Tuesday 6.30-8pm
Wednesday 10-11am and 7-8pm
Sunday 4.00-5.00pm

15.00 p.session casual (10 week Concession card-$100)

Suitable for beginners.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
