The This is ME® Secondary Schools Programme has continued at Te Kuiti High School in 2019, with the aim of growing young women’s leadership capability alongside increasing the quality and quantity of opportunities for girls to move THEIR way. In 2019, Parkour and Rippa Rugby have been delivered as well as badminton lunchtime sessions.
The This is ME® Secondary Schools Programme continues to grow at Piopio College. A core group of year 7 & 8 girls have been working alongside This is ME® representatives to provide quality opportunities for their fellow female students.

The group noticed the gap in lunchtime activities and identified that the students ‘just walked around’ each lunch break. From here the student leaders saw the potential in running a Steptember challenge, where they had 43 students, including males, engaged over the month. More recently the leaders planned, designed and delivered a Colour Obstacle Festival for all year 7-10 female students. It was a fantastic afternoon with a lot of paint powder, fun challenges, music and laughter.
In the community space, This is ME® worked alongside Te Kuiti community members in October to deliver the annual Pink Walk. This year things were changed up and instead of a walk through town we headed to Brook Park where there were three routes to choose from, including a trek to the summit of Motakiora.

The walk was participated in by over 70 community members of a range of ages who enjoyed moving together to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer treatment and research. In addition community members, alongside This is ME® representatives, have also co-designed an Ultimate Frisbee Have-a-go. Community members had voiced that cross generational opportunities were missing from the district and emphasised the need for activity to occur using readily available resources and spaces.

Ultimate is a great game that can be modified to suit all and with the only necessary equipment being a frisbee, it can be picked up and played in many spaces at a low cost. The Ultimate Frisbee even will take place in Te Kuiti in the New Year.

This is ME® supporting Women and Girls to Move More in Waitomo

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