Moving Waikato 2025
A strategy to grow participation in sport, recreation and physical activity in the Waikato region

One Vision: A healthy, vibrant, physically active and successful sporting region.

Moving Waikato 2025 is the first unified strategy for sport, recreation and physical activity for the Waikato region. It seeks to build on the positive momentum of existing partnerships and to increase the provision of opportunities for both participation and sporting success for the people of the region.

The strategy has been developed in collaboration and consultation with key partners regionally and nationally and follows on from evidence gathered to guide and inform strategic decisions.

Moving Waikato 2025 provides a vision for the unified leadership of sport, recreation and physical activity in the region and gives focus and clarity towards 2025. A strategy in which partnerships achieve results.

Three Strategic Priorities will guide implementation towards 2025:

1. OUR PEOPLE: MORE ADULTS, MORE CHILDREN ‘OUT THERE AND ACTIVE’. A focus on the provision of opportunities that meet the needs of the people of our region.

2. ​BUILDING COMMUNITIES: HELPING COMMUNITIES TO HELP THEMSELVES. A focus on quality local delivery of sport, recreation and physical activity experiences.

3. REGIONAL LEADERSHIP: LEADING AND DELIVERING CHANGE. A focus on regional and national partners working together to lead change and enhance outcomes.

View the Moving Waikato 2025 Strategy here

Moving Waikato 2025

More News Articles

Celebrating the benefits of active and creative recreation

Celebrating the benefits of active and creative recreation


CEOs Matthew Cooper of Sport Waikato and Dr. Jeremy Mayall of Creative Waikato met last week to experience ‘Te Ara Toi o Te Taniwha’ together.

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Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan now live

Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan now live


Sport Waikato, alongside contributing author Robyn Cockburn (Lumin Consultancy), have renewed the Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan which was presented and endorsed at the Waikato Mayoral Forum in March.

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Sport Waikato

Sport Waikato's This is ME brand to 'retire' 


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‘Positive Vibes Only’ sideline behaviour campaign launches in the Waikato region

‘Positive Vibes Only’ sideline behaviour campaign launches in the Waikato region


Head down to any sports field on a Saturday morning and you’re more than likely to encounter some negative sideline behaviour...

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