The fifteenth of February saw the Huntly section of the expressway opened with a celebration with the wider community and district, people from near and far came to witness and participate in a piece of history - the Expressway Classic. 

A half marathon, 10km run/walk, 5km run/walk and junior 2km run/walk saw 1670 people of all ages hit the tarseal in the one off event, taking away a special medal to commemorate the occasion. 

At the conclusion of the Expressway classic runs and walk around 15,000 people took advantage of the remainder of the day and walked, cycled and took bus tours across the new road before it becomes open to the public.
This date that is yet to be confirmed, but is expected to be in the next few weeks, work is approximately 10 weeks ahead of schedule and final touches are being done.


Expressway Classic

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