Category Recreation

District Waikato

Operational Date Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Programme Overview

Spread across the district of Waikato, offering access at every corner, our local Bridge Clubs offer the opportunity to maintain and increase your mental abilities whilst having great fun with your friends. HOW? Learn to play BRIDGE. An addictive sport, for young and old. Start young, play till you are 100, keep an active and healthy mind. Start late in life, enjoy your retirement with like-minded people. Playing Bridge offers great opportunities. Not an expensive hobby but a fascinating one that offers great personal satisfaction as you make progress and become more skilful.

Lessons are available at most Bridge clubs and their addresses can be found on the NZ Bridge website. A game of two parts, first the auction where you and your partner discuss, in code, how many tricks you believe you can win. Then the play where after winning the auction, one of the partners plays both hands whilst the opposition work together to stop them making their contract. Drop in at your local Bridge club and watch. Bridge clubs offer not only the challenge of the sport but also have social activities, they provide companionship and often result in long lasting friendships based on a mutual appreciation of the sport.

Fun and enjoyment are the main criteria. Wine and Pizza, Bridge in the Garden, Tournaments, Cruises, you can go as far as you like, as fast as you like, or just enjoy a quiet game at the club. Need a new hobby? Bridge offers an escape into a world of fun and excitement, a journey into the unknown. Your local club will welcome and support you and you will discover a challenge that will give you a lifetim's pleasure.

Make it a family affair ... bring the children, come with a friend or come on your own. Everyone is welcome, try it today. JOIN US - Lessons starting shortly at most clubs across Waikato. Click here for a taster of this fascinating sport: Make Bridge your new sport!

Monday Social Cambridge Club, BYO Lunch 10am-3pm - contact Inge 0211047895
Wednesday Cambridge 7.00pm-9.50 pm All Grades, Social
Thursday Cambridge 1.00pm-4.00pm - All grades
Friday Cambridge 9.00am-11.30am Supervised session, all welcome - FREE

$4.00 per session

Suitable for beginners.
Disabled Access
Facilities are accessible to people with a disability.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
