
District Hauraki

Operational Date Tue, Sat

Programme Overview

Fitness and health along with FUN! Come and join in regular cycle rides with the Waihi 50+ group. It's not all about the coffee - but that is an attraction! Most Tuesday and Saturday mornings you'll find us out on our bikes, taking in the fresh air, sights, sounds and smells of the countryside. As you can tell from our group's name, our members are mostly the type of people who like their exercise fairly gentle, mixed with a good blend of social interaction too. Outings normally feature a stop at a cafe. All abilities, all ages, all types of cycle are welcome - just turn up on the day! Rides usually start at 9am (unless there is a different time shown on our website calendar Please note - our cycle group does not actually have a physical address. The map is solely for entertainment, although our rides do sometimes start at Waihi Railway Station (which is always worth a visit)

Tuesday Varies - mostly morning
Saturday Varies - mostly morning

No cost - just your coffee

Suitable for beginners.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
