Category Sports Clubs

District Matamata Piako

Operational Date Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Programme Overview

United Matamata Squash aims to promote and foster the game of squash with equal emphasis given to competitive, junior and social players. All members will be made welcome and encouraged to participate fully in club activities and will be invited to assist when necessary with the running of the club.

Our focus is to increase our active members, so if you know someone that wants to have a go, bring them to the club, show them the facilities and introduce them to some of the other members. Lets get our club pumping!

Squash was recently rated as the number one healthiest sport in the world by the highly credited Forbes Magazine which rated sports on their levels of fitness, speed, flexibility, risk of injury and strength.

New players are entitled to up to 3 club night games before deciding to become a member. With the purchase of a one off (and refundable) $10 electronic key tag, members can access the courts at any time at their leisure.

Members of United Matamata Squash are entitled to participate in all club events and activities. Being affiliated with Squash Waikato and Squash New Zealand also allows entry into any tournament around the country.

Monday Juniors 5.30pm - 6.30 pm. Ladies Night 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Thursday Clubnights 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Subs from $120 Juniors, $180-$260 pa Adults - Full and Social memberships available

Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
