Category Sports Clubs

District North Waikato

Operational Date Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun

Programme Overview

We empower youth through adventurous activities to lead lives that make a positive difference. Scouts Aotearoa are just some of the 30 million young people in 216 countries and territories who join in the fun of Scouting every week. Tuakau District Sea Scouts is committed to providing safe water activities in a fun, learning environment.

OUR SECTIONS are KEAS age 6 - 8 CUBS age 8 - 10 SCOUTS age 10 - 14.5 VENTURERS age 14.5 - 18

Tuesday 4.30-7.30
Wednesday 6-8pm
Thursday 6.00-8.30pm
Saturday Regattas and camps as arranged
Sunday Regattas and camps as arranged

$110 per term per youth (4 terms per year)

Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
