
District Waipa

Operational Date Sat

Programme Overview

Jade He is a qualified acupuncturist and is the sepcialist Tai Chi instructor who takes this community class. She graduated from ShanXi troditional Chinese Medicine University in 1988. When she studied in the University, she took the TaiChi subject and was training and practicing during her University learning. She has kept exercising with her Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture practice since 1983. Now, after almost 36 years practsing TaiChi, she has mixed her Troditional Chinese healthcare experiences and TaiChi maintain health practicing together, specially focus on the whole body energy flow and each body joint flexibility in order to balance your phsical and mental conditions . The serious insisting excercise TaiChi will improve your health level. Jade welcomes all newcomers to attend her session on a Monday morning and there is only a small fee for $2.00 per session.

Saturday By appointment


Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
