
District Matamata Piako

Operational Date Wed

Programme Overview

PlayGym is an early childhood philosophy which assists in the development of children under 5 years.

Following on from Sport NZ's  Active Movement initiative, PlayGym gives early childhood parents and educators the opportunity to participate with their children in active play whilst developing all areas of their body and mind.

PlayGym is build on the belief that moving and learning together is fun.  It embraces a philosophy of providing open-ended, broad based, child centred and fundamental activities to promote the development of children into healthy, active and social adults.

Classes are full of activities to encourage brain development, vestibular (balancing) stimulation, primitive reflex inhibition, gross motor skills, vision and development of fundamental movement patterns.

Wednesday 9.30-10.30am

$12.00 Casual or $90 for a 10 week term

Suitable for beginners.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
