Programme Overview
Pauanui Indoor Bowls Club members welcomes all new and old members! Come and have some fun, every Thursday afternoon. We meet every Thursday afternoon in the Pauanui Sports & Recreation Club's Recreation Hall.
All equipment is supplied, just wear comfortable clothing. No experience needed as members will show you how it is done.
We bowl between 1.30pm and 4.00pm but like names to be in 10 minutes before we start as we make up the teams on the day. So come along and have a fun on a winters afternoon, very friendly group and afternoon tea is served. We bowl through until mid October.
Club Days: Thursdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm Recreation Hall Contacts are Pam Giffard phone - 07 8647804 or Isobel French phone - 07 8649913
Thursday 1.00pm
$20.00 per year plus $3.00 each roll up