Category Recreation

District Waikato

Operational Date All

Programme Overview

Karioi is an ancient volcano and the views from the summit are spectacular. On a fine day you can see as far south as Mt Taranaki, the Herangi Range and Pureora. There is also a good view of all the local harbours as well as Pirongia, Maungatautari and Te Aroha mountains

Track overview:
Walking & tramping: 2 - 3 hr 30 min one way. Advanced tramping track

There are two tracks up to the summit of Karioi. Do a return trip on one track, combine the tracks and cross the mountain (you'll need to arrange transport).

Mt Karioi Track
Time to lookout: 2 hr 30 min - 3 hr one way
Time to summit: 3 - 3 hr 30 min one way
This is the steeper but more scenic of the two summit tracks. Once over the stile at the start of track, its all up hill, but there are plenty of good vantage points to stop, catch your breath and admire the view. After passing through a grove of Kanuka, the track climbs up a grassy slope before reaching the main ridge. Chains and ladders have been installed to help negotiate the occasional rocky outcrop. At a large rocky bluff the track sidles around to the north for a short distance then climbs steadily to the ridge, At this point a short 10 minute side track takes you to a lookout providing good views across Raglan Harbour.
Back on the main track it is another hour to the summit (756m) along an undulating ridge. The vegetation along the ridge has been sculptured by the strong prevailing westerly wind. The forest changes from Kohekohe at lower altitudes to Tawa forest, to Kamahi and Taewheowheo towards the top. Other species of note include Miro, Toro, Horopito and Dracophyllum Traversii.

Getting there: Start this track at Te Toto Gorge, 13 km from Raglan. Note, the last 4km of Whaanga Road are unsealed.

Wairaki Track
Time: 2 - 3 hr one way
This is the shortest route to the summit and isn't as steep as sections of the Karioi Track. It doesn't have the same views. Its a 40 min walk across private farmland to the bush edge. Respect the access privilege which is only available during daylight hours. From the bush edge, the track climbs steadily through coastal forest, comprising Kohekohe, Mahoe, Rewarewa, Kamahi and a variety of ferns and shrubs, to the summit.

Getting there: The track starts at the end of Karioi Road, off Ruapuke Road.

Know before you go:
The high level tracks on Karioi follow steep-sided ridges. Water is difficult to find, especially in summer, so be sure to take sufficient drinking water with you.

For full details, see


Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
