Category Sports Clubs

District Hamilton

Operational Date Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

Programme Overview

Hamilton Wado-Kai Karate Club inc teaches the importance of respect and self-control through karate.

Each class involves a basic warm-up and flexibility exercises which help to condition the body and build general fitness, followed by detailed instruction to our basic movements and their applications. These classes are important for new members to require a sound understanding of the basics before they can advance further in their grades.

Students will work through a set syllabus and learn Kihon (basic karate movements), Kata (pre-arranged forms) and Kumite (sparring) whilst building high self-esteem and confidence towards achieving their personal karate goals.

All Kumite (sparring) is non contact and striking-pads are used to develop power and focus bringing an all round fitness of body and mind.

Monday 4.30pm-7.30pm
Tuesday 5.00pm-8.30pm
Wednesday 4.30pm-5.30pm
Thursday 5.00pm-8.30pm

$15 per casual session or $110/term for one class per week or $160/term for two classes per week. Family discounts. Annual Membership fee $50.

Suitable for beginners.
Disabled Access
Facilities are accessible to people with a disability.
Junior Programme
Runs a programme specifically catered to children.
Caters for Women or Girls
This program caters for women.
