“I love going on bike rides as a family down by the Waikato River, as I feel like I can combine physical activity aspirations with family time which is important. The scenery on the track and trails around the Awa always makes for an enjoyable experience and adventure.
I am inspired by my family - we have a young family and it reminds me that it is important to lead a healthy and active life to set examples, but also enjoy that we can undertake family activities. The other is friends. I am reminded that you can lead an active lifestyle through social interactions with friends (playing golf etc) - this is important for not only physical but also mental health.”
Shane provides strategic leadership to the Waikato Regional Spaces and Places planning network in collaboration with the Spaces and Places stakeholder group (Local Territorial Authorities, Regional Council, Iwi, Funders, Developers and Sport and Recreation Organisations) and as outlined in the Waikato Regional Active Spaces Plan (the Plan). He also provides leadership to the Sport Waikato Regional Leadership and Connectivity Coordinators and Play Advocate in the formation and implementation of local spaces and places planning processes.