"I love belonging to team sports like rugby, basketball and touch, and in my early years gained a great sense of pride representing my club, school and region. Team sport offered me a safe environment to socialise, be challenged and learn more about myself.
Surfing and skateboarding in my teenage years gave me a great sense of freedom, allowed me to be creative, and most of all taught me to be resilient.
Now, I am enjoying staying connected to team sport through coaching, and belonging to an active community through midweek social sport.
Being a positive role model for my children inspires me to keep active through role modelling fun, giving things a go and overcoming challenges. Staying connected with friends and my community also inspires me to stay active."
Jordan leads the development of the region’s coach workforce in both school and community sport settings, with the aim of improving the experiences of youth in sport. This includes facilitating a shift in coaching practices among coaches in the Waikato region to increase play-based and player-centred coaching that ensures climates of development are highlighted over climates of performance. Jordan adopts a sport development approach and alongside other Sport Waikato staff, works at the level of key adult influencers (e.g., coaches, parents, school and community sport staff) to ensure participation and development opportunities are prioritised for all participants to ensure inclusive coaching practices and sport environments exist across the region.