Anton Barr

Professional Learning Partner (Primary)

“Having played cricket and squash for a number of years as part of my sporting experiences, I have now shifted my enjoyment more to active recreation opportunities and enjoy cycling on the many cycleways and kayaking opportunities on the beautiful lakes within our region.
I have a young family that includes three school aged children who love their sport and physical activity. Whilst this makes for a busy home environment, my wife and I love the opportunities and health benefits that sport and being active provides for our family.”

Anton helps build teacher confidence, challenges current thinking and practice and provides teachers with the tools to use physical education, sport and physical activity as a vehicle to drive greater wellbeing/hauora outcomes for tamariki. He supports school leaders and teachers to better plan and implement the Health and Physical Education and Hauora Curriculum, identifying, developing and supporting opportunities for quality physical activity experiences for tamariki wellbeing. 

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