Molly Allen

Molly Allen

Insights & Evaluation Lead

07 858 5388

021 815 822

"I have always been an active person with Football being a constant throughout my school years and early adulthood. From there I begun exploring paddleboarding, cycling, martial arts and crossfit. In general I just love moving the body outside. 

As I enjoy being outside and active my hobbies and interests are naturally active hobbies. I just fit them in whenever I can find time and relax into the fact that being active doesn't mean being completely dead after a HIIT workout anymore. I am a better person when I am active. The body and the brain work a lot smoother. 

Molly provides strategic leadership and support to Sport Waikato’s Insights & Evaluations initiatives, supports the Insights & Evaluations team and the day-to-day analysis and reporting of data, along with dealing with ad hoc requests and providing support on projects. She also leads research support and survey development. The Insights & Evaluations team creates a strong evidence base to assess progress and achievement of Sport Waikato’s strategy and inform strategic direction, operational decision-making, policy and strategy development, and continuous practice improvement.
